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Writer's pictureAttorney Sean Buckley


Updated: Jan 16

Federal & State of Mississippi criminal defense attorney Sean Buckley, located in Gulfport, Mississippi has defended numerous individuals over the past two decades that have been wrongfully accused of federal and state crimes.

There are many criminal defense attorneys throughout South Mississippi and across the U.S.

with impressive online profiles, but many lack the actual qualifications and experience to defend clients in serious and complex cases. If you are facing serious allegations, you need an attorney with experience!

Criminal Defense Attorney Sean Buckley is here to fight for your legal rights & reputation!


Contrary to what police investigators want you to believe, the primary purpose of the polygraph (or “lie detector”) is not to actually test whether someone is telling the truth. Instead, law enforcement agencies utilize the polygraph as tool to interrogate suspects and witnesses and intimidate them into providing additional information that can be used against them. This scheme typically involves the polygraph examiner, in a post-test interview, claiming to a test subject that they failed one or more polygraph questions. The examiner then asks the subject to provide additional information to help the examiner explain away the supposedly failed test. Such additional information may turn out to be direct or circumstantial evidence of the crime being investigated, direct or circumstantial evidence refuting a potential alibi or other defense, or anything else that could make the person look bad.

Although polygraph test results are not admissible in court, statements made to polygraph examiners are admissible against the person who made the statements. A test subject who takes the bait and attempts to explain away a “failed” polygraph is putting themselves at great peril.

If the police ask you to take a polygraph for any reason, follow their own advice and “just say no.” You have a constitutional right to keep your mouth shut and not cooperate with their investigation. If the police don’t have enough evidence to criminally charge you, you lose nothing by saying “no” to their polygraph. Remember, the police wouldn’t ask you to take their polygraph in the first place if they weren’t already suspicious of you. Don’t be naïve to think they’re really trying to do you a favor and “rule you out” as they usually claim. If you believe you would benefit from a favorable polygraph, you can always arrange to take a private polygraph arranged through your lawyer – and the test results will remain confidential unless you and your lawyer decide to disclose them.


To learn more about your legal options and which strategy makes the most sense, schedule an appointment for a FREE CASE EVALUATION with Gulfport , Mississippi federal crimes defense attorney Sean Buckley. Based in Gulfport, Mississippi, federal criminal defense attorney Sean Buckley has extensive experience defending the legal rights & reputations of individuals in Gulfport, Biloxi, Pascagoula, South Mississippi and Statewide.

Serving Gulfport, Biloxi, Pascagoula, South Mississippi , Jackson County,

Harrison County & Statewide


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